Guide for Authors
Guidelines for preparing and submitting your manuscript in the
Al-Rafidain Sports Science Journal
1- Manuscripts must be submitted via the online system through the following Journal link website at
2- Manuscripts must be submitted as a single file to be used in the evaluation process.
3- Manuscripts shall be considered for publication only with the understanding that they have only been submitted to our journal, and that they have not been published already elsewhere.
4-The publication in Al-Rafidain Sports Science Journal is in Arabic and English language.
5- The necessity to follow the requirements of scientific publication will avoid reprinting the manuscript again.
6- Manuscripts submitted to iThenticate program to prevent plagiarism.
7- The Journal editor has the right to change any term or sentence in the manuscript to be in accordance with the Journal's system.
8- Publication cost: In an open access model, the publication costs of an article are paid from an author's research budget, or by their supporting institution. Mesopotamia Journal of Agriculture is an Open Access journal; therefore, publishing an article in this journal requires a payment of 100 US$ for an accepted manuscript to be published. There is no submission or processing fee required.
9- When the research is in the correction stage, Researchers will be required to modify the research in the correct form and provide the journal with any additional items in order to be accepted for publication.
10-If a manuscript is written by more than one author, you’ll choose one person to be the corresponding author. This person will handle all correspondence about the manuscript and sign the publishing agreement on behalf of all the authors. The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that all the authors’ contact details are correct. You should all agree on the order in which your names are published in the manuscript, and ensure that your affiliations are correct.
11. The Guidelines for Publication Ethics (COPE) must be adhered to. to get information on this issue can be obtained in publication and the Guidelines through Link:
12- In order to maintain the research evaluation system, Al-Rafidain Sports Science Journal is committed to peer-review integrity and upholding the highest standards of review. Once your paper has been assessed for suitability by the editor, it will then be double-blind peer-reviewed by independent, anonymous expert referees.
- the research evaluation process is conducted through the online research evaluation system. The system immediately notifies the editor-in-chief of the Journal that there is a manuscript sent for publication in the Journal, a preliminary examination of the research is carried out by the editorial office, and two reviewers are assigned to conduct the research evaluation process. After completing the evaluation process, the editor-in-chief makes a decision on this research, and sometimes reviewers may not agree with each other about evaluating research. Therefore, in exceptional cases, the research evaluation report may not reflect the final decision sent by the reviewer to the editor-in-chief, and this decision after each evaluation round may be one of the following decisions:
- accept the research for publication without any changes or modifications.
- accept the research for publication with minor corrections, Final correction research may or may not be sent to a reviewer for another round of corrections.
- accept research for publication with large corrections, final correction research is sent to a reviewer for another round of corrections.
- refuse to publish the research
13. Manuscripts are sent once in order to obtain an ID number for the journal, and sending the research more than once can cause the research to be rejected.
14. Manuscripts printing instructions for publication in the Journal:
(1)-The preparation of Manuscripts should be in either Arabic or English, and the preparation of the Manuscripts in Arabic should be written in accordance with the appropriate writing and spelling rules. Manuscripts should be printed in one column format on A4 paper in Simplified Arabic font and in MS-Word and printed space should be 15 cm x 24 cm, a 3cm footnote right and 2cm footnote left of the paper and leave one-line space above the subheadings (summary, Introduction, …) The font size for the main heading is (13+ bolt) of other addresses (13+bolt), the search board (13), the tables and the shapes (12 + bolt) Margins (10+bolt) and the total pages should be no more than 15 page and appendixes are not included in the number of pages in the final publication of the search. (Unless the researcher requests this and this requires a payment of 3,000 dinars per sheet).
(2) In case of preparing the research in English, it should be written according to the appropriate writing and dictation rules, the American or British method should be followed and should not be mixed, so Al-Rafidain Sports Journal does not offer language services or the editing and printing of the different search copies. The Manuscripts should be written in Times New Roman font, 13-size, MS- Word, and in a one-column format on A4 paper, 15 cm x 24 cm printed space, single line space, and when printed, a 3-cm footnote left and the rest 2.5 cm left. The Manuscripts should also be attached to the research title page, which includes the author's name (authors) and their affiliations (E-mail), without mentioning scientific titles. The Manuscripts file must be docx or doc so that these files can be used in the evaluation process and preferably all shapes and tables are added to the main Manuscripts file. research pages must be no more than 15 pages and appendixes are not included in the number of pages and are not included in the final search publication.
15- if the Manuscript is derived, then only the next margin is written at the end of the first page and underlined at the end of the margin (the search is derived from a master's hypothesis or a doctorate thesis for the researcher) (the font size is 11)
16-The Manuscript consists of the following paragraphs (title, abstract, introduction, problem, objectives, hypotheses, limits of research, related studies, Research procedures, results and discussion, conclusions, and recommendations).
Title page
The title of Manuscript and other subtitle are printed in bold font size 13 in the middle of the page and a number is placed in brackets at the top end of each researcher's name, then the researcher's address is written in front of the researcher's number and the first researcher's e-mail address is placed
(1) the Abstract should include 150-250 words in either Arabic or English.
(2) the title of the manuscript is written in 13bold font size.
(3) the name and address of the researcher or researchers in 12 font size.
(4) The abstract is placed in the middle and in bold uppercase (capital letters).
(5) Arabic and English Abstract should be placed between two lines 1.5 mm wide.
(6) at the bottom of the English and Arabic Abstract, the words of the Keywords function, which are 3-5 words.
(7) below the bottom line of the Abstract, the date of receipt of the research / / 2019 is written and accepted at /2019 and is 11 mm in font size.
18- References should be documented using the American Psychological Association of (APA) method
19- CREATIVE COMMONS ATTRIBUTION: Permit others to distribute and copy the manuscript, to create extracts, abstracts, and other revised versions, adaptations or derivative works of or from the manuscript (such as a translation), to include in a collective work, to text or data mine the article, even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit the author(s), do not represent the author as endorsing their adaptation of the article, and do not modify the article in such a way as to damage the author's honor or reputation. Further details found at: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) In addition, RJSS retain the copyright of published articles, which is released under a “Creative Commons Attribution License for CC-BY-4.0” enabling the unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction of an article in any medium, provided that the original work is properly cited.
20- OPEN ACCESS PUBLICATION C publishes the research work, covering a wide range of Sport Sciences. All papers published in RJSS are open access and distributed under the open-access license agreement. Under this license, authors retain ownership of the copyright for their content but allow anyone to download, reuse, reprint, modify, distribute, and/or copy the content as long as the original authors and source are cited properly.